Future Tense Verbs (76-100)

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Accelerated Communication 

Student Technology focus: Microsoft Stream 2.0 and Canvas LMS Eportfolio

future tense banner-3.png


Verb 76: to remember

to remember future.png

Verb 77: to love

to love future.png

Verb 78: to consider

to consider future.png

Verb 79: to appear

to appear future.png

Verb 80: to buy

to buy future.png

Verb 81: to wait

to wait future.png

Verb 82: to serve

to serve future.png

Verb 83: to die

to die future.png

Verb 84: to send

to send future.png

Verb 85: to expect

to expect future.png

Verb 86: to build

to build future.png

Verb 87: to stay

to stay future.png

Verb 88: to fall

to fall future.png

Verb 89: to cut

to cut future.png

Verb 90: to reach

to reach future.png

Verb 91: to study

to study future.png

Verb 92: to remain

to remain future.png

Verb 93: to suggest

to suggest future.png

Verb 94: to raise

to raise future.png

Verb 95: to pass

to pass future.png

Verb 96: to sell

to sell future.png

Verb 97: to require

to require future.png

Verb 98: to report

to report future.png

Verb 99: to decide

to decide future.png

Verb 100: to pull

to pull future.png

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