Past Tense Verbs (1-25)

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Accelerated Communication 

Student Technology focus: Microsoft Stream 2.0 and Canvas LMS Eportfolio

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Verb 1: to be

to be past 2-1.png

Verb 2: to have

to have past-1.png

Verb 3: to do

to do past-3.png


Verb 4: to say

to say past-2.png

Verb 5: to go

to go past-1.png

Verb 6: to get

to get past-2.png

Verb 7: to make

to make past 2-1.png

Verb 8: to know

to know past-1.png

Verb 9: to think

to think past-1.png

Verb 10: to take

to take past-1.png

Verb 11: to see

to see past-1.png

Verb 12: to come

to come past-1.png

Verb 13:  to want

to want past-1.png

Verb 14: to look

to look past-1.png

Verb 15: to use

to use past-1.png

Verb 16: to find

to find past-1.png

Verb 17: to give

to give past-2.png

Verb 18: to tell

to tell past-1.png

Verb 19: to work

to work past 2-1.png

Verb 20: to call

to call past-1.png

Verb 21: to try

to try past-1.png

Verb 22: to ask

to ask past-1.png

Verb 23: to need

to need past-1.png

Verb 24: to feel

to feel past-1.png

Verb 25: to become

to become past-1.png

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